The Misadventures of Kai and Pixel »

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The Deep Freeze in Ontario


Well, we thought that we would be escaping the cold by coming to Southwestern Ontario. Wrong! It has been bitterly cold here (-15ish) and we haven’t really even been able to get out as the wind chill factor has been significant. Nevertheless, we have been having a very nice time here. Sue and the kids came down for the weekend and Kai had a great time playing with his cousins. He is also enjoying the time with his grandparents, although mommy is not allowed to leave the room at any point! This makes showering difficult!

I have uploaded some more photos of our visit here.

Here are two videos which we made before we left. Notice Kai’s extreme interest in the keyboard! He really did ruin Andreas’ linux project and it took Andreas several hours to get back to where he was!

And lastly, here is a video of my brother-in-law Shonty in New Zealand. He’s a hero and TV star!

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