The Misadventures of Kai and Pixel »

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We have arrived safely

After a relatively eventless journey, we arrived yesterday in Hamburg. Kai was extremely excited by the airport in Edmonton and managed to wear himself out to the extent that he passed out before we reached cruising altitude. He slept most of the way to London and conked out again when we got on the plane for Hamburg. He woke up when we were going through passport control in Hamburg. Not bad at all!

He was less than impressed with the unbelievable ‘Stau’ (traffic jam) which greeted us in Hamburg. It took us about an hour and a half to get to Andreas´ moms´place. Usually takes about 30 minutes.

We had a somewhat restful night with Kai up only once for a couple of hours. Not bad considering the time difference.

Now he is running around his Omi´s apartment and making sure to open every drawer and find all of the small breakable items placed close to his level. We are so happy to be here and to be enjoying the German food and company!

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